27 Aug 2009

WPA cracked

paper, WPA was cracked by Martin Beck and Erik Tews under 15 minutes primarily focusing on the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) using a chopchop WEP attack via Netstumbler.  TKIP was important because it allowed hardware only supporting WEP to be firmware/driver upgradeable to WPA which is known as IEEE802.11e Quality of Service (QoS) features.  Therefore, the RC4 stream cipher and ICV were still included from WEP in every packet.  This was called the Beck-Tews attack. This time, WPA decryption is discussed at the Joint Workshop on Information Security, held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan earlier this month in a paper by Toshihiro Ohigashi of Hiroshima University and Masakatu Morii of Kobe University using Beck-Tews with a reduction in processing time to approximately one minute. It is highly recommended WPA wifi users switch from TKIP to AES encryption using the administrative interface on WPA routers.]]>