BLUE by Joe Domanick
Joe Domanick has written an intriguing character driven four part book which is broken into philosophical and analytical narratives around key figures such as Los Angeles PD Chiefs William H. Parker (1950-65), Daryl Gates(1978-92), Willie Williams (1992-97), Bernard Parks (1997-02), and William Bratton (2002-14). The book brings the reader through historically significant lessons and analyzes the devolution of the stop-and-frisk war on drugs fought in under-served communities. The ugliness of law enforcement plagued with racist and corrupt components is examined to the pivotal moment around the Rodney King beating followed by the explosive Los Angeles riots. Domanick expertly examines how law enforcement under William Bratton, who once had reorganized ex-NY City Transit Police and eventually the NYPD, had managed to change cultures and attitudes. Finally, the book reminds the reader with a warning an ironic ending with a glance at recent events in Los Angeles, New York, Baltimore, and Ferguson. [AMAZONPRODUCTS asin="1451641079"] ]]>