29 Aug 2018

Quarterly reports of VA missing for almost 9 months

For nine months this year, the Department of Veterans Affairs ceased to post online quarterly reports which detail information security breaches.  These reports have been a common procedure since 2010 and was initiated as a requirement in by 2006 the Veterans Benefits, Healthcare, and Information Technology Act.  However, Nextgov queried the department and then the 3rd quarter 2018 and 1st and 2nd quarter reports were then put online.

The results of the quarterly reports enjoyed open transparency for many years by following them with conference calls between the VA technology chief and the press.  This practiced ceased near the end of 2016. 

The 2018 reports have shown a rise from 584 in notification letters sent to veterans affected by breaches to 3,596 in the 2nd quarter.  Congruently, the number of credit protection letters also rose from 1,059 to 1,712 in the 2nd quarter and then finally up to 2,566 in the third quarter.  The details of cause and severity are not included in those reports.
