SingHealth breach investigation underway
Singapore’s Committee of Inquiry (COI) has begun examining the June 27-July4 SingHealth breach of 1.5M patients. The examination evolves around the operational security practices of SingHealth and the culpability of its outsourced vendor of technology Integrated Health Information Systems (iHiS.)
The Prime Minister, Lee Hsien Loong, along with several other ministers were among the 160,000 people who also had their prescription information leaked as a result of the breach.
The COI includes Public Service Commission member Richard Magnus; Mr. Lee Fook Sun of the security firm Quann World; Sheares Healthcare Management firm’s COO Mr TK Udairam; and the assistant secretary-general of National Trades Union Congress Ms Cham Hui Fong.
Mr Magnus has said, "This is a responsibility that I take seriously. I will work with the COI members to ensure that we fully deliver on this important task which has been entrusted on us."